Discussing the complicated interconnections between human beings and the landscape of Iceland, the piece is designed to be experienced while walking along the Iceland coastline. It is a sonic documentary and poetic fiction of the enchanting island.
It is,
a story about water,
and a love letter to Icelandic nature.
A local told me about the first glacier that died in Iceland, named ‘Ok,’ when I was in Husafell. It was declared dead in 2014 as it was no longer big enough to support itself and move. A funeral was held for it a year after.
He drove me up a mountain and pointed to the mountain top where OK was. What I saw was a grey mountain covered with scattered patches of white.
Somehow I thought of the dead whale lying on a shallow beach that I encountered in northern Iceland.
Its dark gray skin, exposed above the water, was worn, reminding me of volcanic rock.
It looked like a tiny island from afar.
Section 3 - Rain of the Past
Copyright: Yanran Bi
Section 4 - the Islanc
CC-BY-NC: Yanran Bi
Collaborated with the Iceland non profit Worldwide Friends:
Provide accommodation during my field research in Iceland, provide data of their beach cleaning which is included in the narrative of the sondwalk.
Wow nice work!! Love it!