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SWS21 2021

over borders #2

Multiple locations

Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items
Sound walk

Following on from ‘over borders #1’ (also available as a free download) we have curated a PDF collection of scores (photographic, text, graphic) that use the act of walking as a way to question the objectification of environments and the role of ‘stepping back’ from a human centric view of place.

This will be available to download from 1st July 2021

Featuring scores by various artists, curated by Jez riley French and Pheobe riley Law


Hosted by: Walking as a Question

APA style reference

French, J., & Riley Law, P. (2021). over borders #2. walk · listen · create.
Jez Riley French

Jez Riley French

(United Kingdom) 

Pheobe Riley Law


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To walk with long, purposeful strides: Here’s Robbie comin stendin up da rodd.

Added by Janette Kerr

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