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Import from Echoes
Hull, City Of Kingston Upon Hull, England, United Kingdom
Walking piece

River Listening is an interdisciplinary research project exploring the cultural and biological diversity of global river systems through sound. The project examines the creative possibilities of accessible and noninvasive recording technologies to monitor river health and engage local communities in the conservation of global river systems. River Listening combines emerging fields of science with acoustic ecology, creativity and digital technology to further the understanding of aquatic biodiversity and inspire action at a time when the conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems is a critical priority.

This River Listening installation has been created for the 2017 Sound + Environment conference at the University of Hull and features soundscapes from river systems across the world.

Share your listening experiences on social media #RiverListening

APA style reference

Barclay, L. (2017). RIVER LISTENING: SOUND + ENVIRONMENT 2017. walk · listen · create.

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To walk about; to walk at a relaxed pace.

Added by Petra Johnson

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