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Sonic Sedimentation

Tanner Springs Park
Pearl District, Portland, OR, USA
40 minutes
Walking piece

Tanner Springs Park is northwest of downtown Portland, near highways, train stations, and the Willamette River, surrounded by trams for three sides and low-to- high rise residential buildings around four sides. The theme of the park is its wetland history, revealing the scene once alive from the past. Guided by Portland-based composer Yuan-Chen Li, this Soundwalk imagines the process of sedimentation for the participants. Sporadically accompanied by the composer’s “musical signage,” the 40-minute guided promenade brings the participants to understand the turbulent sound of traffic activity, the harmony of singing water and raindrops, ending in the joyful discovery and exploration of one’s inner space interacting with different materials built for the park.


Hosted by: Third Angle New Music

APA style reference

Third Angle New Music, & Li, Y. (2020). Sonic Sedimentation. walk · listen · create.
Third Angle New Music

Third Angle New Music

Creating sonic adventurous experiences in Portland, OR (United States) 
Yuan-Chen Li

Yuan-Chen Li


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sole trader

Interested in walking their socks (and shoes off) and at the end of the journey tries to swap for another, brand new or slightly used pair.

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