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SWS22 2022

South of Shoreham Port

Shoreham Port, Southwick, Brighton, UK
60 minutes
Sound walk

Beyond the lorries thundering past, the cries of seagulls and roar of waves there are other sounds. This walk presents a small fraction of a larger collection of real and imagined (what I like to call phantom) sounds recorded in the area around Shoreham Port. This is the first tentative sharing of a larger developing project inviting people to explore this space in a different way and reflect on how we listen.

The walk begins at The Port Kitchen cafe and works its way along Basin Road South and then back towards Port Kitchen. It invites participants to explore the area around Shoreham Port in a different way, listening to the often hidden sounds and blurring the boundaries of what is real and what is imagined. Via the Echoes sound walk app, sounds are triggered as participants walk through different zones along the route, from the internal mechanisms of wind turbines and screeches of the steel depot, to dawn chorus on the hot pipe and storm winds blowing across the lock gates. Over a 12 month period Simon developed his deep listening practice and got to know the area intimately, this sound walk reflects a fraction of the sounds recorded during that time.

APA style reference

James, S. (2022). South of Shoreham Port. walk · listen · create.

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The field of study of the architect-walker.

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