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Space – We – Space

Import from Guidemate
Leipzig, DE
Walking piece

The audio walk invites listeners to explore the area surrounding Plagwitzer Bahnhof in Leipzig and to discover its hidden sound treasures. Listeners simply start the audio, follow the route, and discover the hidden sound spots along the way. The pictures provide hints how to find these spots and how to use them. Listeners can listen to the composition that uses these sounds but they can also pause the recorded audio and do their own musical interpretation playing recommended city instruments. The audio walk invites listeners to interact with the environment and aims to broaden their perception of urban musicality.

SPACE–WE–SPACE. is a binaural sound walk composition that explores the city as music. It creates an impossible space that reflects upon change by mixing sounds that are present with those that are not. The borderline between reality and fiction shifts as sounds open and close different worlds. Daily sounds in a post-industrial area, now frequented for leisure time, become extraordinary by a shift in perspective.

The composition is the result of a live on-air experiment for radiolab of seanaps festival 2019. While Lena Löhr and Martina Weber led two groups for a sound walk, Carina Pesch was floating between these groups as a mic on two legs grasping hidden resonances and traces of human interactions with the environment. She streamed these sounds to the temporary studio where JD Zazie modulated and composed in real time before airing. This 2-hours composition was reworked to an 1-hour composition by Carina Pesch and then relocated on the map for an audio walk. Recordings were done with a set of binaural mics and a contact mic, therefore it is perfect for an audio walk that is usually listened to with headphones.

sound walk composition: Carina Pesch
workshop led by Lena Löhr & Martina Weber
live sound recordings: Carina Pesch
other sound recordings: JD Zazie, Carina Pesch
live composition: JD Zazie
postproduction & composition: Carina Pesch
production management: Tina Klatte
pictures: Leon Seidel, Carina Pesch
production: GERÄUSCHKULISSE & Seanaps 2019

APA style reference

Pesch, C. (2020). Space – We – Space. walk · listen · create.

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The experience of a place informed by the meanings of place-names, ecology, ecopoetics, etc.

Added by Alec Finlay

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