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Step with refugees

Hosted by: UNHCR
Multiple locations
Walking piece

All over the world people are joining a global movement, in solidarity with families forced to flee their homes. Join today and together we will walk, run and cycle the distance refugees cover each year to reach safety.

Families who have been forced to flee make extraordinary efforts to survive. In solidarity with them, at a time when there are more and more global crises forcing people from their homes, we are coming together to honor their resilience and determination to keep their families safe.

Together, we are challenging ourselves to cover two billion kilometres in 12 months, just as refugees worldwide do each year to reach the nearest point of safety.

From South Sudan to Uganda, Myanmar to Bangladesh, Syria to Jordan; they have endured long, dangerous and difficult journeys.

“It was a very terrible journey, we had to cross jungle and climb huge hills”, says Alin who fled Myanmar and carried her two young children for ten days until they reached safety.

Through this collective effort we will show our solidarity, build better understanding of refugees and raise money to protect refugees and help them to rebuild their lives.

APA style reference

(2019). Step with refugees. walk · listen · create.
Submitted by: Babak Fakhamzadeh

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The first sense of snudging refers to being cheap, stingy, miserly, and Scrooge-like. Such penny-pinching behavior isn’t associated with great posture, and perhaps that’s why the word later referred to walking with a bit of a stoop. An English-French dictionary from 1677 captures the essence of snudgery: “To Snudge along, or go like an old Snudge, or like one whose Head is full of business.” Snudging is a little like trudging. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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