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SWS24 2023

Touching Sound

Touching Sound installation
Hosted by: Dawn Matheson and Olivia Brouwer
Multiple locations

creating encounters

Collection · 156 items


Collection · 82 items


Collection · 383 items


Collection · 200 items
Sound walk

Sound-activated mixed media sculptures based on recordings and sensory activities while walking in nature. Created by individuals experiencing site-loss. Partnering with the Canadian National Instate for the Blind and supported by the Ontario Arts Council, Touching Sound is a sensory-led nature walk and workshop that was available for individuals with sight loss or blindness. Social practice and sound artist, Dawn Matheson, along with Olivia Brouwer, a partially-blind artist, led the work. The workshop involved the creation of sound-activated mixed media sculptures based on recordings and sensory activities while walking in nature at the Guelph Arboretum. Mobiles created from the workshop were also temporarily exhibited at the Guelph Civic Museum from July-August 2023.
A second workshop will be held in Waterloo, Ontario on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 from 1-3pm at the Walter Bean Grand River Trail and Waterloo Public Library Eastside Branch. The exhibition will be held at The Button Factory from June to July 2024.


All photos by Olivia Brouwer.

APA style reference

Matheson, D. (2023). Touching Sound. walk · listen · create.
Submitted by: Dawn Matheson

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To be out at night, as in “to beat the paths/streets/roads till all hours of the night.” From the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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