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SWS21 2021


Sound walk

In walkroulette, a ‘drifter’, someone who is physically in a particular location, has to get from point A to point B, within limited time, and is directed by an online cohort of players. The players, at every turn, get to vote on the direction the player will take.

Along the way, the drifter can pick up ‘power-ups’, which provide information on the location, or extend the deadline within which the drifter has to reach the finish.

Meanwhile, players can direct the drifter to perform particular tasks.

walkroulette is an experiment in bringing together the virtual and the physical, providing a platform for collaborative play with real-world consequences.

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B. (2021). walkroulette. walk · listen · create.

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To go on foot.

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