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Whispers of Resilience: Maasai Women’s Journey Under the African Sky

Whispers of Resilience


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Collection · 127 items
Walking piece

Beneath the vast African sky, amidst the earth’s ochre embrace, three Maasai women stride with timeless elegance, their vibrant beadwork contrasting the serene landscape. Adorned in cultural riches, they bear water vessels that speak of both sustenance and endurance. As they traverse the land, their journey becomes a living testament to tradition and tenacity, their shadows stretching like whispered echoes of ancestral stories in the warm embrace of the sun.


Photography by Rich Allela

APA style reference

Allela (2023). Whispers of Resilience: Maasai Women’s Journey Under the African Sky. walk · listen · create.

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The Walking Institute

A peripatetic school for the human pace – it explores, researches and celebrates the human pace by bringing walking and other journeying activities together with arts and other cultural disciplines and people from all walks of life.

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