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30 Jan, 2021

Open call for Walking as a question – International Walking Encounters / Conference – July 4th to July 11th 2021, Prespa, Greece

Foto: Stefaan van Biesen

Walking as a question

International Walking Encounters/Conference
Sunday July 4th to Sunday July 11th 2021, Prespa, Greece

What questions does walking pose? What questions can walking be used to explore? Who walks? Who chooses to walk? Who is forced to walk? Who can walk? Who cannot?

Open call for participation in Prespa or on distance
Open call for hubs, individuals and collectives
with papers, audio papers, walkshops or other creative proposals. All media and formats are welcomed.
Organized by Visual March to Prespa – Department of Fine and Applied Arts, School of Fine Arts, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Made of Walking (VIII) / the Milena principle

Full open call (ENG-GR)

APA style reference

Vermeire, G. (2021). Open call for Walking as a question – International Walking Encounters / Conference – July 4th to July 11th 2021, Prespa, Greece. walk · listen · create.

Open call

Collection · 39 items

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This word has been around since the mid-1800s. Here it is in an 1864 issue of the journal Notes & Queries: “I have been pedestrianating through a corner of Oxfordshire.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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