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1 Mar, 2022

Walking Home

Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 10.50.47

Long listed for the WALKING HOME writing competition run in January & February 2022

Ines Amado reads Walking Home

My home is far, far away
My home is a home in my memory
My home is composed of multiple homes
My home is nowhere and everywhere
My home is made up
My home is a series of stories
My home resides in my head
And all the time in my heart
My home is a travelling home
My home is a continuous journey
My home is a path that I take
My home is made up of layers
My home is unravelling itself in each word I write
My home is the continuous thoughts
That occur and never cease
My home is somewhere in a past
Made up of other pasts
Walking home…
My home is here
My home is my body
My home is a resonance
My home resonates in the word home
Walking home…
Each time there are different vibrations
Notes that vibrate and create
A recreation of this temporary home
Walking home…
Receding into this shell
Made of the provisional
The ephemeral
But continuously
Walking Home 

Read more from the Long List of poems and stories submitted to the WALKING HOME writing competition. Watch winning authors reading their work on the video of the Write About Walking Home showcase event that took place on Sunday 25 September 2022.

Itching to write something yourself? Submit a piece to our Shorelines project, and invite your friends to read it aloud. Join one of our creative writing workshops or keep up to date with all our competitions by signing up to our curated newsletter here.

APA style reference

Amado, I. (2022). Walking Home. walk · listen · create.


Collection · 101 items
walking home
walking writing
creative writing

17 thoughts on “Walking Home

  1. I love Inês Amado’s work and her dedication for excellence. I’m giving my vote for her poem, as it resonates of my own life story. Good luck Inês!

  2. É sempre uma casa-poema, uma longa jornada tecida e deslaçada. Périplos, recursos, parceiros de jornada. Maravilhoso poema! Beijinhos e boa sorte, Inês!

  3. Being far from my family and my village at the moment, this brought me home. Truly, and in many ways and in layers upon layers.

  4. I was struck with such a strong connection and resonance to the plight of our fellow Ukrainians reading this beautiful poem. How extremely moving.

  5. A very beautiful poem which fully describes a very rich and wonderful personality of Ines Amado . Congratulations and best wishes.

  6. What a transformative text. Hard to read without being taken on a journey to all my homes. Memories flick through my head of buildings, people, landscapes all long gone. Thank you for such powerful words

  7. Wonderful Ines ! Captures the essence of home for all who read…. It allows us space to reflect and the words captures different experiences as expressed in the comments. Insightful to see the richness of time and memory shared.

  8. Thank you Ines for your beautiful poem. I think it will resonate with everyone as it is all-encompassing. It made me think about my own home, past and present, and so for all of us as we move along on our journey through life and how the meaning of home can evolve into a rich tapestry of experience and memories not yet made.

  9. Caminhamos para casa …. um caminho que nos faz percorrer as profundezas da alma
    Lindo Poema Ines, profundo e verdadeiro

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