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Featured Marŝarto24 SWS24 30 Mar, 2024

We’re doubling the prize money for our awards

Mana from heaven

Thanks to you, we’ve reached the first goal of our membership program, which means that we are doubling the prize money for our walking arts awards, the Sound Walk September Awards, and the Marŝarto Awards. This year’s winners will each receive 500 euros as prize money, with the honourable mentions receiving 200 euros, each.

It’s because of our supporting members that we’ve been able to achieve this, and it’s to you, as walking artists, we are giving back to. Don’t rest on your laurels, though, as we need your continued support to be able to keep offering this larger pot of prizes.
In fact, we can together push for reaching our next goal, which would see the prize money for our awards double again, to 1000 euros for winners, and 400 euros for honourable mentions.

Not yet a supporting member? Join us today!

This also means you shouldn’t hesitate with submitting your work. If you created a sound walk after the start of 2023, submit your work to the SWS Awards. If you submitted any other kind of walking piece, make sure you submit to the Marŝarto Awards.
You can find the submission form here.

Curious what’s been submitted this year, so far? Check out our archive of walking pieces, which has recently been renamed the Museum of Walking. At the moment, the archive contains around 750 pieces, going back all the way to the mid-1960s.

We’re very excited to have ‘levelled up’ our walking arts awards, and hope some of that excitement rubs off on you. We can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on this year.

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B. (2024). We’re doubling the prize money for our awards. walk · listen · create.


Collection · 216 items

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The Scottish and English word plodging has been wading through the lexical muck and mire since the late 1700s, and it refers to icky, slow, molasses-type walking. Plodge is probably a variation of plod. This word isn’t totally out of use, as a 1995 use from British magazine The Countryman illustrates: “Northbound Pennine Wayfarers, plodging through the interminable peat-bogs of the North Pennines.” Even if you have a spring in your step, it’s tough to skip merrily through the peat-bogs. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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