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Kristina Borg

Kristina Borg is a freelance visual and socially engaged artist, a spacemaker and an art educator/lecturer. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Art Education from the University of Malta (2009) and a Master’s degree in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies from the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan (2015). In her transdisciplinary research-practice she spends time integrating into specific multispecies communities and devotes her attention to the relationships and dialogue between such communities – human and more-than-human – and the place. Her work focuses on the co-creation of projects that are situation and context-specific, and involves alternative, experiential processes that relate to socio-political, economic and environmental issues in urban-collective spaces - spaces that range from the city to the supermarket, from the walkway to the sea or the field.
Kristina has recently led an artistic community project in collaboration with the University of Malta as part of the European project AMASS - Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. As part of the Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture programme, Kristina managed the community project Naqsam il-MUŻA (Sharing MUŻA) – with the goal of connecting the local communities to the national art collection. She was also one of the participating artists of the Dal-Baħar Madwarha (The island is what the sea surrounds) exhibition, the major visual arts exhibition of the Valletta 2018 programme.
Her works have been exhibited in Malta, Milan, Salerno, Perugia, Munich, Dusseldorf, Vienna, Vorarlberg, Leeuwarden, Haarlem, Brussels, Nelson, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires. In 2014 Kristina placed first in the 3rd edition of Divergent Thinkers-Malta and in 2020 her collaborative project Nimxu Mixja (Let's take a walk) was awarded Arts Council Malta's Premju għall-Arti (Art Award) as 'Best project in the community' and nominated as 'Best work for young audiences'. In 2023 her project You Are What You Buy - Reap what you sow was selected as a finalist for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023. She is also a fellow of the Salzburg Global Forum for Cultural Innovators and a member of the international Community Economies Research Network.


Back in the 1500s, nuddle had a few meanings that congregated low to the ground: To nuddle was to push something along with your nose or nudge forward in some other horizontal manner. By the 1800s, nuddle started referring to stooped walking, the kind of non-jaunty mosey in which someone’s head is hanging low. You can hear a touch of contempt in a phrase from an 1854 glossary by A. E. Baker: “How he goes nuddling along.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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