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emma storr

emma storr

(United Kingdom)
Emma trained as a doctor and has an MPhil in Writing from the University of South Wales. Her poems have featured in several anthologies and poetry magazines as well as winning local poetry prizes. Her debut pamphlet Heart Murmur, was published by Calder Valley Poetry in 2019. Her first collection was published by Fair Acre Press in March 2022 and is the result of a three-year collaboration with photographer and writer Bob Hamilton. Offcumdens is a book of Bob’s black and white photographs of Yorkshire ‘s people, streets and landscapes paired with Emma’s poems. An ‘offcumden’ is a Yorkshire term meaning someone not born in the county. Both Emma and Bob are southerners who have ended up in Yorkshire for different reasons but now consider it home.


One who enjoys vistas and views, see ‘tourist’.

Added by Alec Finlay

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