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Jeanti St Clair

Jeanti St Clair

Jeanti St Clair is a media lecturer at Southern Cross University in Australia, and a documentary and audio walk producer. She is currently researching sound design in the locative space for her PhD at the University of Wollongong. In 2019, she undertook a 9 week study tour of audio AR experiences in the UK and North America. She is the producer of the Nimbin and SCU Cubewalk Soundtrails, and 2020's Flood Stories audio walk/installation in Lismore NSW.

GPS, geo-poetic system

Geo-poetic system was a term coined by Lucy Frears during locative media art research (published 2017). The basis of geopoetics, a theory and practice developed by Scottish philosopher and poet Kenneth White, is to connect humans to the lines of the earth (White cited in McManus 2007: 183), or ‘what’s out there’ (Ingold 1993; 154; White 2005: 200; White 2006: 9). The contact White describes is often between the human mind and the earth, what he calls ‘landscape-mindscape’ (Legendre 2011: 121). Because of the embodied nature of locative media experiences using a smartphone in landscape for these walking art experiences using gps technologies Frears expanded this notion to being ‘landscape-mindscape-bodyscape’ (2017).

Added by Lucy Frears

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