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The Common


The assembling of these poems is an attempt to create a singular entity in the face of the cancellation of the future by which to navigate subjectivity through a landscape haunted by ghost dictators, political and cultural malaise and hyper-lively crows.

Unexpectedly finding myself on a platform I did not make, privileged to speak at all, as if I sneaked onto stage during an interval in a play, I have borrowed tools for modernists, neo-romantic ‘apocalyptics’ and unhuman allies to gesture from inside weakness some kind of refusal to entirely give up, still the testing the principalities and powers I once thought I might play a part in overthrowing

Now, in their debris, from their debris and from the debris of us, I have tried to build some small thing again from unpromising materials by poetry; going down writing.

The Common is available from the author.

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This word has been around since the mid-1800s. Here it is in an 1864 issue of the journal Notes & Queries: “I have been pedestrianating through a corner of Oxfordshire.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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