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Walking in the Anthropocene – Planetary Walking

Walking arts today became a response to the deep environmental  global crisis we are facing today. Walking is one of the keys to contextualize and deepen our understanding and relation with the planet place we live on. It is more and more clear that the future will be ecological or there will not be a future for our species.

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Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items



Walking in the Anthropocene – Planetary Walking

Walking arts today became a response to the deep environmental global crisis we are facing today. Walking is one of the keys to contextualize and deepen our understanding and relation with the planet place we live on. It is more and more clear that the future will be ecological or there will not be a future for our species. Walking our planet is the opportunity to explore this question.

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A drawing made on an outside environment, trafitti combines the word “graffiti”, to inscribe a surface, “trace” (which itself combines the meanings track, to make ones way, and to draw), and “traffic”, the passage of people or vehicles in transit, or the conveyance of messages or data through a communications system.

Added by R and F Mo

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