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Creative Walk Forest of Dean

Join farOpen textile artist Sara Rickard for a Canopy Creative Walk from the Dean Heritage Museum Car Park at 10.45am on March 16th.  Returning to the Dean Heritage centre by 1.00pm for coffee/lunch/evaluation.  

It is a very level/easy route around the pond where you’ll be encouraged to explore & respond to nature through sketching, story telling, map making, photography and nature observation with like minded others. 

Please wear boots/strong shoes and waterproof/suitable clothing. You don’t need to bring an art kit everything is provided but bring a camera if you’d like to record what we see. The walk itself is not long because we regularly stop along the way to engage with nature and explore our responses. There will be numerous opportunities to creatively make marks, take photos, collect found objects, write notes and enjoy the company of likeminded supportive others.

Sara says “each time I make this walk the forest changes, either the weather, the seasons or where the boar have dug! The joy of noticing something that often is overlooked can be very exciting and sharing ideas in a small group can hopefully inspire further creative ideas.”

We keep the groups small & friendly so please book here to secure your space. Only 12 spots available. £5 suggested donation. 

An artist led walk for people interested in being active and creative, encouraging participation through written or spoken word, photography, visual notes, map making, story telling and drawing.

An experience for creatives and the general public, suitable for beginner walkers
Numbers are limited so please book as soon as possible
Tickets are by donation. We are a not-for-profit organisation. All proceeds go towards funding for our activities and events, cultivating creative communities throughout the Forest of Dean.

A walk designed and guided by Sara Rickard. Sara has lived in the FoD for over 20 years, is a textile artist and educator and a member of the Canopy steering committee. A member of farOpen and the Embroiderers’ Guild Sara’s own work focusses on stitch, both by hand and machine and is greatly inspired by the beauty of the forest.

This event has happened

2023-03-16 10:45
2023-03-16 10:45

Hosted by: Canopy Creative Network
Forest of Dean District, UK


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shoggle, worple

Since the 1500s, shoggle has been a word for various sorts of shaking. No wonder it became a word for unsteady walking in the 1800s. Zombies and toddlers are big shogglers. Another term sometimes applied to such precarious ambling is warpling. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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