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Earth Alphabet for Peace – writing, drawing, walking on Google maps on Earth Day 2022

Earth Day 2022

Supercluster and Oika join for a global action during World Earth Day.
Draw and write the word PEACE in your own language and in your own location, by drawing and writing PEACE on Google maps, following the outlines of your landscape and cityscape and create global pathways for peace! We prepared easy to use instructions for all.

Inspired by the creative works of writers and artists that write and draw with their bodies in the city and in nature, we invite you to a collective drawing and writing of PEACE all over the world and in your location, together with many others in the world!

Your contributions will be shown on Google Maps, then collected by the Supercluster team and geolocated on an our own permanent digital Earth map, by CGeomap, including your name, profile and your PEACE addition. The map will be simultaneously converted in a media walk.

CGeomap is our easy to use tool for creating geolocated and interactive maps and web-apps, connecting creators and walkers with the Earth.


Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
Fred Adam

Fred Adam

This event has happened

22 Apr, 2022 · All day


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hybrid flaneur/flaneuse

Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse has become a performative “orchestrator” of steps and technologies – of sensory and emotional encounters. It is this oscillation between the poetic, the socio-technological, the geographical and the emotional that shifts the meaning of flanerie and walking in the 21st century. Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse can be also described in line with the cultural and aesthetic trajectories of the 20th century ambulatory practices. Therefore, a hybrid flaneur/flaneuse could be a creative merging of the romanticised view of early flaneur, the radical tactics and political implications of psychogeography and the performative/site-oriented elements of Fluxus and Land Art – all considered through a wide range of embodied media, social and geographical sensitivities.

Added by Bill Psarras

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