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From SWS21: Winner’s Circle


At the start of Sound Walk September 2022, we talk with last year’s winners, discuss their work, and what they’ve been up to in the last year.

Sit back, and enjoy the conversation with, and between last year’s winners, Sarah Tiedemann, Darrell Grant, Viv Corringham, Kit Haigh, Amanda Drago, and Cliff Andrade.

What was their inspiration? How did they choose their platforms? What challenges did they encounter? How was their eventual work different from what they envisioned? What have they been up to, since?

We meet last year’s winners in this first café of Sound Walk September 2022:

Sarah is the Artistic Director of Third Angle, which last year commissioned Darrell‘s Come Sunday, a beautifully orchestrated and thought-out portrait of the rich cultural heritage of Portland, Oregon.

Viv constructed Where am I?, in which she captured the disjointed experience of physically being in space as our thoughts drift and take us elsewhere.

Amanda and Kit, both of Green Croft Arts, created Collision & Conflict, a deftly considered soundwalk that steps us around a section of Hadrian’s wall in Northumberland, Cumbria, through the eyes, ears and hearts of 14 commissioned artists.

Cliff put together Bristoler Chronik, which explores issues of identity, biography, and class, by wandering through the neighborhood of his former home and connecting it to his current home, reflecting on his experiences as a student at university.

We’ll have Sarah, Viv, and Cliff talk about their winning works, and follow that up with an open discussion with you, the guests of this café.

Thanks to our partner Echoes, this café will be free to attend!


Viv Corringham

Viv Corringham

(United States / United Kingdom) 
Sarah Tiedemann

Sarah Tiedemann

Darrell Grant

Darrell Grant

Green Croft Arts

Green Croft Arts

(United Kingdom) 
Kit Haigh

Kit Haigh

Cliff Andrade

Cliff Andrade

(United Kingdom) 
Babak Fakhamzadeh

Babak Fakhamzadeh

Co-founder of walk · listen · create (Netherlands / Iran / Brazil) 

Supported by


Josh Kopeček
This event has happened

06 Sep, 2022 · 18:00 Africa/Abidjan
06 Sep, 2022 · 18:00 Africa/Abidjan

Café recording

walk · listen · café

Collection · 95 items


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From SWS21: Winner’s Circle

At the start of Sound Walk September 2022, we talk with last year’s winners, discuss their work, and what they’ve been up to in the last year.

Bethel AME Church 1957
Sound walk

Come Sunday

Where once a house was were many houses Anis Mojgani Portland’s inner-northeast neighborhoods were once home to over 200 Black churches. The remaining wooden and brick buildings, ranging from tiny storefronts to imposing brick edifices, are the inspiration for Come Sunday. Created by jazz artist and composer Darrell Grant, Come Sunday is a pilgrimage in

Sound walk

Where am I? A dislocated soundwalk

Where are we when we walk? Are we here, in this place that our feet move through, or are we there, lost in thoughts and memories of other times and places? This playful and dream-like soundwalk aims to throw these questions into confusion. It can be taken while in Prespa or anywhere else, including indoors.

Sound walk

Bristoler Chronik

Inspired by Proust’s idea that true recollection can only occur after a period of forgetting, I returned, after 20 years, to my former Bristol home, and walked from there to my current home. I use the walk as a foundation for a rumination on class, identity, collective and personal memory, subjective consciousness, and the very

Sound walk

Collision & Conflict

Collision & Conflict is a geolocated sound walk along Hadrian’s Wall national trail, triggering artistic responses connected to specific locations on the route enjoyed through headphones. In December 2020, Green Croft arts commissioned 14 artists who had strong links to Northumberland, Cumbria and nationalities that reflected the past diversity of the communities that built, manned

Sound walk

Soundwalkscapes (album)

"Part narrated journey, part imagined fiction, Soundwalkscapes continue's Viv Corringham's expansive and profound explorations of the multiple and viscous relations between voice, place and the mobility of walking."

Sound walk

Sins Beneath the Equator

"Sins Beneath the Equator" is a project which deconstructs myths deeply rooted in the Pernambuco and Brazilian imagination, related to the Dutch occupation of the northeast of Brazil, in the 17th century.

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shaugraun, shogarawn

A wandering condition, a drifting or vagabond state, as in “He’s gone on the shogarawn.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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