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Great North Wood walk-talk

Known as the ghost wood, Great North Wood is an ancient coppiced woodland that grows on the Norwood uplands or Norwood Ridge, running from Nunhead to Croydon. We will visit remnants of this ancient forest, visit a bat reserve, an old Victorian folly, we will see ancient boundary oaks, the oak of honour, an old Celtic pilgrimage site and the alleged site of Boudicea’s final battle against the Romans. We will explore the thinning, the time when the world of the dead and the living overlap, a time of change and reflection.

This event has happened

2022-11-12 10:00
2022-11-12 10:00

Sydenham Hill Station Car Park, College Road, Dulwich, Sydenham Hill, Sydenham SE21 7ND, UK


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huellas de una otra historia

Footsteps of another / alternative history.

Added by Elspeth Penfold

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