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If these walls could talk

Western Park Museum, Sheffield

Weston Park Museum “tells the story of Sheffield from pre-history to today.” 

Weston Park is filled with Sheffield’s memories, artefacts, and stories. If the walls of the museum could talk, what stories would they tell about you? How are you, your memories, and your stories reflected within the museum?

This free four-hour creative writing event will include a tour of the museum, a talk through some archive pieces, discussion, and creative writing exercises where we reflect on our stories of the museum and how we’re represented and create our own stories to be shared with one another, the public, and with future audiences.

The event is open to Black women over 40 of all writing abilities. The session includes free refreshments and a vegan/vegetarian lunch.

Hosted by Yvonne Battle-Felton, writer and Creative Writing Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University.

This event has happened

2022-11-12 11:00
2022-11-12 11:00

Hosted by: Being Human Festival - Culture and Creativity Research Institute at Sheffield Hallam University
Weston Park Museum, Western Bank, Mushroom Lane, Sheffield S10 2TP, UK

creative writing

Collection · 187 items


Collection · 270 items

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huellas de una otra historia

Footsteps of another / alternative history.

Added by Elspeth Penfold

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