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Meeting of the Waters: Locative Media Oceania

Captura de Tela 2021-04-01 às 19.54.58

LMO is a 2.5 week course, a workshop/conference program designed to engage participants globally to develop location based artworks.

It calls upon all creative practitioners, students and researchers with an interest in the landscape, and in outdoor creative or educative practices.

The focus is on using locative media technologies and other collaborative tools to codesign projects concentrating on a number of key themes – water, climate change, ecosystems health and deep time. The program is open for beginners or advanced creators and researchers of all fields and disciplines.

A collaboration between Treecreate and Supercluster, hosted by the University of Canberra’s Centre for Applied Water Science.
The Meeting of the Waters: Locative Media Oceania program is designed as a creative response to the themes of water, connection and climate change to explore how locative media can be used to understand these issues, in a collaborative approach engaging science and local knowledge.

The program gives attention to experiential and horizontal learning through the creation of location-based content in interdisciplinary teams, drawing from collaborative practices and alternative forms of (outdoors) education.
It builds on the very successful Earthlings Locative Media Summer School hosted by King’s College London in collaboration with Supercluster in July 2020.

Participants need to be available between 18 Sept – 4 Oct, follow the organised online activities for around two hours a day, as well as dedicate about one hour a day to group activity (self-organised).
Parts of the program are pre-recorded and involve self-study.

You can sign up to participate at Supercluster:


Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
Fred Adam

Fred Adam


Tracey Benson

This event has happened

18 Sep - 4 Oct, 2021

Hosted by: Treecreate / Supercluster

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A descriptive walk done on behalf of a person who is bed/house-bound with illness in a landscape they recall.

Added by Alec Finlay

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