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More than human walking


Walking arts today became a response to the deep environmental  global crisis we are facing today.  Walking is one of the keys to contextualize and deepen our understanding and relation with the living planet we live on and that we share with other species. We are not only walking our planet, as isolated beings, as explorers, but we are walking with the planet. The sounds, the living creatures, the plants, the geopoetics of every place are factors that connect us to a Nature that is experienced and lived in every step we take. The Walking Body 5 is stepping out of the time and space of the man-made environment, entering in a no man’s land of nature, bringing us back what was before and to where we belong. 

The Walking Body 5 brings 9 international artists together, with the collaboration and involvement of EAAD and schools in Greece (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Spain (University of Murcia). Each artist has their own connection with walking in a more than human world, Soazic Guezennec (FR), Maria Ristani (GR), Veronica Perales Blanco (ES), David Merleau (CAN) & Fred Adam (FR/ES), Geert Vermeire (B). Manuel Fernandes Miranda (PT), Natacha Antão Moutinho (PT) and Miguel Duarte (PT), in a week long process, interacting with community, the city and its environment, and leading to the exhibition “Walking More Than Human”. All activities at the Garagem Avenida gallery (EAAD) in Guimaraes, open to anyone interested, for 2 weeks.

The WALCafe on March 18th happens simultaneously on location in Portugal and online, introducing the topic through a conversation with the artists and the public. It will be a round table discussion in English, hosted by Natacha Mutinho, Miguel Duarte and Geert Vermeire.

When booking your ticket, take a moment to bring your walk · listen · create profile is up to date, or add a bio to create one if you haven’t already. To keep up to date with the Walking Arts and Local Communities over its four year duration, make sure you are subscribing to the weekly walk · listen · create newsletter.




Maria Ristani

Maria Ristani


Verónica Perales Blanco

Fred Adam

Fred Adam

Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
Miguel Bandeira Duarte

Miguel Bandeira Duarte

Natacha Moutinho

Natacha Moutinho


Supported by


Natacha MoutinhoMiguel Bandeira Duarte

Walking Arts & Local Communities (WALC) is an artistic cooperation project, co-funded by the European Union, Creative Europe, starting in January 2024 for four years. With seven partners from five countries, WALC establishes an International Center for Artistic Research and Practice of Walking Arts, in Prespa, Greece, at the border with Albania and North Macedonia, backed up by an online counterpart in the format of a digital platform for walking arts.

WALC builds on the previous work of hundreds of artists and researchers already practicing Walking Arts as a collaborative medium, and having met at the significant previous walking arts events and encounters in Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, and during online activities at walk · listen · create.

We acknowledge the support of the EU Creative Europe Cooperation grant program in the framework of the European project WALC (Walking Arts and Local Community).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

This event has happened

The Walking Body 5

18 - 23 Mar, 2024 · 19 items

2024-03-18 19:00
2024-03-18 19:00

Video recording of the café
Hosted by: The Walking Body

walk · listen · café

Collection · 84 items



More than human walking – WALC Café

Video recording of an on-the-ground and online café from The Walking Body 5. The Walking Body 5 brings 9 international artists together, with the collaboration and involvement of EAAD and schools in Greece (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Spain (University of Murcia). Each artist has their own connection with walking in a more than human

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Swedish word for feet. Translated it means “horses of the apostles” referring to the apostles traveling on foot.

Added by juanma

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