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Nature Writers’ Circle

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An “Invitation Only” event for shortlisted authors in the 2023 Urban Tree Festival writing competition, with VIP guests Anna Burton, David G Haskell and David Merleau.

This event has happened

2023-05-20 15:30
2023-05-20 15:30


creative writing

Collection · 180 items


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Sound walk

Sydney Gardens Tree Weekender audio anthology

Rustling in the leaves Through dappled sunlight, a shower of falling leaves, and with colours of autumn all around you, you can now listen to poetry and prose inspired by trees in parks and public gardens while you stroll through Bath’s Sydney Gardens.     Bath & North East Somerset Council celebrated trees in parks and public gardens

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huellas de una otra historia

Footsteps of another / alternative history.

Added by Elspeth Penfold

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