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On the Resilience of the Dead Silence and the Crisis of Imagination. A walk.

Sydney Gardens scars of the perimeter

Walking and Asking Questions in Bath’s Sydney Gardens (UK)
The walk uses a blue tooth headset/‘silent disco’ kit to take participants on a sound walking and questioning experience in Bath’s Sydney Gardens. The walk attends to and draws from layers and entanglements, obscured history and reluctant heritage, asking questions about wealth, power, the human and the non-human. Listening for the ghosts. We start with the stories of a few trees in this garden mangled through different rollers of time and place, thinking about how things connect and, considering the price paid, perhaps discover something about ourselves here, and now.

This event has happened

11 Mar, 2023 · 13:00 Africa/Abidjan
11 Mar, 2023 · 13:00 Africa/Abidjan
11 Mar, 2023 · 13:00 UTC

Hosted by: Richard White
Bath, UK


Collection · 182 items

walking as research.

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Tunnel closed
Sound walk

Bath Union Workhouse: a walk for the living with the route of the dead

A sound walk using Echoes xyz. A meander through a series of tragedies towards hope and responsibility. The walk uses sounds gathered during the two year Walking the Names project. A slow walking and reading of the names of those who died of poverty in the Bath Union Workhouse. Walkers researched into those names and

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huellas de una otra historia

Footsteps of another / alternative history.

Added by Elspeth Penfold

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