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Soundwalk with Lady Eve

A free soundwalk by Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) offered as part of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) 2023 Conference.

This event has happened

2023-03-19 15:00
2023-03-19 15:00

Hosted by: Atlantic Centre for the Arts
Doris Leeper Spruce Creek MTB Trailhead, Port Orange, FL, USA


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shoggle, worple

Since the 1500s, shoggle has been a word for various sorts of shaking. No wonder it became a word for unsteady walking in the 1800s. Zombies and toddlers are big shogglers. Another term sometimes applied to such precarious ambling is warpling. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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