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Transeuntis Mundi – A nomadic creative practice


Artists Cândida Borges (Brazil/US) and Gabriel Mario Vélez (Colombia) discuss how walkscapes informed their transmedia work Derive 01, by exploring the theme of transculturalism through 4 continents in virtual reality and 360 technologies for sound and audio.

Transeuntis Mundi is a journey about how mobility through space and time has created geographies and the actual transcultural and transnational humanity. It evokes the power of ancestry, identity and legacy by presenting a conceptual piece of new technology art, powered by 3D audio and virtual reality, projections, sound sculptures and performative actions.

The Transeuntis Mundi Project proposes to capture the sound and visual memory of peoples, cultural expressions and places to artistically tell the story of the millennial passersby that have been crossing the world. It currently portrays the diversity of 4 countries from 4 continents and generates a poetical/documental archive of human cultural heritage.

The expression Transeuntis Mundi comes from Latin, the lingua franca of the expansion of Western Culture. It personifies the human being who has been taking the adventure to discover and explore the world.

Its methodology employs Walkscapes recordings with immersive 360° technology. From this archive, it starts a process of transmedial composition: the creation of virtual reality works, videos, photographs, sound art, musical compositions and performance, with the aim to immerse the observer/participant into an experience beyond their space and time. In short, it is a combination of knowledge, innovation and poetics, supported by the processes of artistic research and mediated by transmedial technology.


Cândida Borges

Gabriel Mario Vélez

Gabriel Mario Vélez

Transeuntis Mundi

Transeuntis Mundi

(United States / Brazil / Colombia) 
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Walking Art and Relational Geographies (2022)

5 - 9 Jul, 2022 · 45 items

2022-08-16 18:00
2022-08-16 18:00
2022-08-16 18:00

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Only available to ticket holders.
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Collection · 95 items


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Transeuntis Mundi – A nomadic creative practice

Artists Cândida Borges and Gabriel Mario Vélez discuss how walkscapes informed their transmedia work Derive 01, by exploring the theme of transculturalism through 4 continents in virtual reality and 360 technologies for sound and audio.

Sound walk

Transeuntis Mundi – Web Derive 01

The Transeuntis Mundi Project proposes to capture the sound and visual memory of peoples, cultural expressions and places to artistically tell the story of the millennial passersby that have been crossing the world. The composition “Web Derive 01” currently portrays the diversity of 4 countries from 4 continents and generates a poetical/documental archive of human

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Do you like to stroll? Are you a fan of roaming? Then you should give stroaming a try. This is a word blend, just like brunch. In her 1796 novel Camilla, Frances Burney described a character who “stroamed into the ball-room, with the most visible marks of his unfitness for appearing in it.” The OED indicates that stroaming involves “long strides” and/or idleness, so watch your form and attitude when out on a stroam. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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