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Vernal Equinox Walks

At the end of the week it’ll be the Vernal Equinox.

On the day of an equinox, daytime and night time are of approximately equal duration all over the planet.
Most cultures have recognised this celestial moment, which is celebrated (in the Northern Hemisphere) as the beginning on Spring

To mark the occasion and to take the opportunity to get outside, it’s proposed that we creatively respond (using whichever medium takes takes your fancy) and celebrate the day by walking at specific times of the day.

Our collaborative, synchronised response will be made at sunrise, midday and sunset – either all three moments if you feel like it or just one or two.

If you’re locked-down and self-isolating, you can still mark the moments inside, by doing whatever it is you do.

When you’ve made your piece/s, publish them on-line, send me the URL and I’ll put together a website that links all the contributions. Who knows, we might even produce and publish a book – a good way of spending time if the galleries, theatres restaurants, cafés and pubs are closed down.

Facebook: kelportman
Instagram: @kelarrowsmith
Twitter: @KelPortman

This event has happened

20 Mar, 2020 · All day

where ever you happen to be

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hybrid flaneur/flaneuse

Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse has become a performative “orchestrator” of steps and technologies – of sensory and emotional encounters. It is this oscillation between the poetic, the socio-technological, the geographical and the emotional that shifts the meaning of flanerie and walking in the 21st century. Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse can be also described in line with the cultural and aesthetic trajectories of the 20th century ambulatory practices. Therefore, a hybrid flaneur/flaneuse could be a creative merging of the romanticised view of early flaneur, the radical tactics and political implications of psychogeography and the performative/site-oriented elements of Fluxus and Land Art – all considered through a wide range of embodied media, social and geographical sensitivities.

Added by Bill Psarras

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