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Online meetup: Tracey Benson on ‘Eco-activism’


walk · listen · create hosts walk · listen · café, at least once a month online meeting for creatives in the fields of walking and sound art. Every ‘café’ lasts between 1 and 2 hours, is headed by an expert introducing a particular topic, and followed by an open discussion on the topic at hand.
Online meetings are hosted through BlueJeans or similar. Participants will be sent the meeting URL shortly before the event kicks off.

Eco-activism conjures many different forms of social action, from political protest to verge gardening to swap meets. Although the phrase ‘the personal is political’ was part of the 2nd wave feminist discourse of the 1970s, it is a phrase which, like ‘ think global, act local’ has the potential to help us frame our COVID-19 lives.

Can we now decide to act in ways that align with the earth? As walkers, what are some of the actions we can take to amplify messages about caring for the earth and its creatures?  Can COVID-19 help achieve positive environmental goals – e.g. development of local organic gardens, communities of support or just an increased awareness of our own local ecosystems? How can we take this moment of COVID-19 as an opportunity to shape a future where we see ourselves as part of the ecosystem, not in control of it.


Tracey Benson



Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 


Tracey Benson

Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
This event has happened

2020-05-12 19:00
2020-05-12 19:00

Hosted by: walk · listen · café

walk · listen · café

Collection · 84 items

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Swedish word for feet. Translated it means “horses of the apostles” referring to the apostles traveling on foot.

Added by juanma

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