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Walking America – writers in conversation with Ann de Forest, Christine Hulme, Nabil Kashyap and Willa Zhang

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Practitioners and teachers of writings on walking, the  guest editors of Traversals: A Folio on Walking for The Hopkins ReviewAnna Maria Hong and Christine Hume “wanted to reinvigorate walk literature as a forum not only for mental meandering but also as a form for talking about how we move through locales, rural and urban, while navigating the extremities of the 21st century.”  

The editors actively sought contributions from women, BIPOC writers, queer writers, writers with disabilities, and trans and non-binary writers to counter, they write, “the tradition of the literary walk as meditative inquiry … mostly … practiced by cisgender men and straight, white writers without disabilities … .”

The result is a dynamic and edgy assembly of essays, stories, and poetry that confronts the fears, psychic dangers, and physical risks all too familiar to pedestrians without racial, gender, or economic privilege. As they enact walking’s pleasures and reclaim public space as their own, each writer reveals a capacity “to ignite new models of belonging and transience as they go.” 

We are delighted that Christine Hume and contributors Nabil Kashyap (“Western Avenue”) and Willa Zhang (“Young, Asian, Female, Alone”) will be joining Ann de Forest in conversation for Walking America this February. 

Walking America is a quarterly series of conversations that brings together American writers whose books share common themes. Ann de Forest, writer and editor of the anthology Ways of Walking (New Door Books, 2022), hosts and moderates the lively exchange, which touches on, among other topics, walking as a mode of research, walking as creative act, the challenges of writing about walking, as well as of walking to write. Audience questions and participation are encouraged!


Ann de Forest

Ann de Forest

Christine Hume

Christine Hume

(United States) 
Willa Zhang

Willa Zhang

(United States) 
Nabil Kashyap

Nabil Kashyap

This event has happened

2024-02-28 21:00
2024-02-28 21:00

Video recording


Collection · 194 items

Walking America

Collection · 4 items


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Walking America hosted by Ann de Forest with Christine Hume, Nabil Kashyap, and Will Zhang

Ann de Forest hosts Walking America – writers in conversation. Practitioners and teachers of writings on walking, the guests include, Christine Hume, co-editor of Traversals: A Folio on Walking for The Hopkins Review, and two contributing writers, Nabil Kashyap and Will Zhang.

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desire path

A term mostly used by town planners or architects to describe the short-cut paths created by people. So a path around a square ‘green’ will often have a desire path cutting off the corners. Town planners recognise them as an admission that the initial path was put in the wrong place. Called ‘Elephant Paths’ in some countries.

Added by Alan Cleaver

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