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SWS24 2023

All-American Ruins: In Which I Let You Go at the Ruins of the Universal Atlas Cement Plant

Letting you go
4303 US-9, Hudson, NY 12534, USA
13 minutes


Collection · 171 items


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Collection · 123 items
Sound walk

On the banks of the Hudson River near Catskill, NY sits the abandoned Universal Atlas Cement Plant. Shut down between 1976-77, wander with me among the smokestacks and echoes of days gone by, as I reflect on the end of a relationship, telling the truth, and ultimately, the act of forgiving oneself.

Sample: In Which I Let You Go at the Ruins of the Universal Atlas Cement Plant

Copyright: Blake Pfeil


Featuring music by: Emmet Cohen, Martin Landh, Eden Avery, Lama House

APA style reference

Pfeil, B. (2023). All-American Ruins: In Which I Let You Go at the Ruins of the Universal Atlas Cement Plant. walk · listen · create.

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A field of activist performance that utilises walking and moving and talking in rural landscapes to address issues of environmental, social or political concern (Jess Allen).

Added by Deirdre Heddon

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