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SWS24 2023

All-American Ruins: Mrs. Dalby & the Gravekeeper of Hatteras Island

Mrs. Dalby’s Chair
58221 North Carolina Hwy 12, Hatteras, NC 27943, USA
18 minutes


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Sound walk

Sometimes, an abandoned space can summon a ghost – or maybe it’s just a figment of the imagination. Either way, join me as I accompany you on a fantastical walk to the ruins of a seaside shanty, standing proudly on the edge of a graveyard overlooking the mighty Atlantic Ocean in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. (And don’t be surprised if we run into a ghost named Mrs. Dalby.)

Sample: Mrs. Dalby & the Gravekeeper of Hatteras Island

Copyright: Blake Pfeil


Featuring the voices of: Elisabeth Henry, Nik Magill
Featuring music by: Trevor Kowalski, Franz Gordon, Red Dictionary, By Lotus

APA style reference

Pfeil, B. (2023). All-American Ruins: Mrs. Dalby & the Gravekeeper of Hatteras Island. walk · listen · create.

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very short walk

A walk for the chronically ill.

Added by Alec Finlay

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