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SWS21 2021


Whitaker Ponds Nature Park
Northeast Portland, Portland, OR, USA
40 minutes
Sound walk

This soundwalk is a mediation for the heart and a reflection on life, death, our connections, and the eternal-ness of our beings. The walk will serve as a reminder that our time on Earth is most precious and every moment is a wonder to be explored. A musical portal into the heart.

“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.” – St. Francis of Assisi


Hosted by: Third Angle New Music

APA style reference

Third Angle New Music, & Abioto, A. (2021). Ase. walk · listen · create.
Third Angle New Music

Third Angle New Music

Creating sonic adventurous experiences in Portland, OR (United States) 
Amenta Abioto

Amenta Abioto


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“Icelandic culture is infused with stories of travel. When names were needed for modern machines, the technology that enables our imaginations to travel, words were chosen that centred on the quality of roaming. Thus the neologism for laptop is fartölva, formed from the verb far, meaning to migrate, and tölva – migrating computer’; its companion, the external hard drive, is a flakkari. The latter word can also mean ‘wanderer’ or ‘vagrant’. In the end it’s the wanderers we rely on.” From Nancy Campbell’s “The Library of Ice”.

Added by Ruth Broadbent

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