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SWS22 2022

Birling Gap

Birling Gap
Birling Gap, Eastbourne, UK


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Sound walk

The piece centers on an incarnation of affect in relation to a certain space-time – a visit Isabella made to Birling Gap in East Sussex.

Birling Gap is a wild and cliffy landscape on the edge of East Sussex popular with walkers and hikers.

The protagonist of the piece, Isabella, travels there and is touched, consumed and irrevocably impacted.

Her travels around Birling Gap should be seen as an inner journey, which mirrors the repeated journeys she’s taken there. Like a lost traveller, within her practice, she is constantly looping back on herself, repeating, returning and rediscovering.

I wanted the music to touch on the liminal space between geographical marvel and the subtle signs of a tragic history hidden within the landscape, a sense of fascination and foreboding beneath the joyful and sunny surface.

This piece can be enjoyed whilst walking around the site, otherwise elsewhere, or whilst sitting or lying down in the privacy of your own home.

Birling Gap snippet

Copyright: Tony Onuchukwu


Hosted by: Isabella Bonner-Evans

APA style reference

Onuchukwu, T. (2022). Birling Gap. walk · listen · create.



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lonning, lonnin

Cumbrian dialect term for ‘lane’ – but a quite specific lane. Lonnings are usually about half a mile long, low level and often with a farm at the end. Many have specific names known only to the local villagers. Hence, Bluebottle Lonning, Lovers Lonning, Fat Lonning, Thin Lonning, Squeezy Gut Lonning or Dynamite Lonning. In the north-east the spelling is lonnin and seems to refer more to an alley than a country lane. The Scottish equivalent is ‘loan’.

Added by Alan Cleaver

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