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SWS24 2024

El Grand Tour 2023

El Grand Tour 2023
Multiple locations
23 minutes
Catalan and Castellano


Collection · 183 items


Collection · 207 items


Collection · 452 items


Collection · 192 items
Sound walk

This is a work shaped out of binaural recordings (please listen with closed headphones or quality earbuds to hear the immersive sound) made by me during a 3-week hike through the landscape of Aragon (Spain) starting from Pont de Suert to Sant Esteve de la Sarga. A group of artists walked all through the pre-Pyrenees, performing in villages and visiting other local artists.

The cultural association Nau Côclea from the village Camallera in Catalonia organized the route that took place during the month of august of 2023 and covered a total of 300 km of walking.

El Grand Tour 2023

CC-BY-ND-NC: Igor Binsbergen

APA style reference

Binsbergen, I. (2024). El Grand Tour 2023. walk · listen · create.

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To walk with exaggerated arm and leg movements.

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