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SWS23 2023

Future Food Visions

Guelph Farmers' Market, Gordon Street, Guelph, ON, Canada
10 minutes


Collection · 350 items


Collection · 160 items


Collection · 171 items


Collection · 270 items
Sound walk

The Future Food Visions project features nine audio experiences that respond to a broad range of food security and food justice issues in the Guelph-Wellington region of Ontario, Canada.

Food Future Visions aims to support local community projects working to create a sustainable, equitable and circular food system across the region. These audio experiences bring to light the reality of our current food systems, typically unseen challenges, and the important work that local food organizations, community groups, and cultural communities are doing to help support those most affected by food insecurity.

All audio experiences are built around locations in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Seven of the experiences are for a solo listener and two are intended to be done with a partner.


Stephen Donnelly – Producer
Ropheka Adofo – Communications and marketing
Graeme McClelland – Script writing support
Julie Labagnara – Script writing support
Cassandra Friesen – Writer, Performer
Samantha Heath – Writer, Performer
Meagan Downes – Writer, Performer
Mathhew Ivanoff – Writer, Performer
Rainbow Kester – Writer, Performer
Kim McLeod – Project Director

Music in ‘My Saturday Nights’: Milkshake by Johnathon M. Horner (Beat Mekanik). Used under Creative Commons 4.0 International. Music available at:

Project Partners:
Our Food Future Guelph-Wellington
School of English and Theatre Studies, University of Guelph
Arrell Food Institute
Guelph Community Health Centre

This project is funded in part by the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada.

APA style reference

kmcleod (2023). Future Food Visions. walk · listen · create.

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Drawing with (vocal) sound in response to place while passing through place. Driftsinging borrows from the Situationist Drift, and Baudelaire’s flâneur. Driftsinging also relates to the process of ‘sounding,’ the sonic measuring of distance and depth that locates position in place and ‘echo location’, the examination of place through sonic reflection and refraction, resonance and echo.

Added by R and F Mo

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