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Hero with 7 Faces

Belfast, UK
40 minutes
Walking piece
No longer available

Seven archetypes expanded. A journey of the Individual Mind through the Biological, Social, Intellectual and Dynamic Minds

The Hero begins a personal journey that will lead to you through the city. The work conjures seven archetypes of the creative consciousness mapped out in a surreal walk. Using immersive sound design, narrative and image to imbue the listener into a parallel interpretation of the urban environment.

Each city has a different theme and different content which reinterprets the Hero’s journey

A smartphone using Android or iPhone and headphones are needed.
Activate location services, and preload all the content as instructed before you begin.

APA style reference

Cahen, J. (2013). Hero with 7 Faces. walk · listen · create.

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sole trader

Interested in walking their socks (and shoes off) and at the end of the journey tries to swap for another, brand new or slightly used pair.

Added by hilwalk

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