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Land, Bone and Stone

Abbotsbury, Weymouth, UK
Walking piece

We have produced three soundscape apps (LBS1, LBS2, and LBS3) set in the stunning South Dorset Ridgeway area or Land of Bone and Stone, cited as one of Europe’s finest ancient ceremonial landscapes with its thousands of prehistoric monuments. The landscape is full of stories and sounds. These apps help you discover them.

You can walk a route around the South Dorset Ridgeway and the apps will respond to your movement by producing sound. It’s a soundscape you control by walking. It has spoken and musical elements, tells you about the Ridgeway landscape and deep history, myths and legends.

APA style reference

Hoyte, R. (2016). Land, Bone and Stone. walk · listen · create.

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When the mind & body are casting about together, questioning encountering & discovering.

Added by R and F Mo

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