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SWS21 2021


Brighton, UK

The International Analogio Festival

21 - 28 Sep, 2021 · 10 items

Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items
Sound walk

A piece of short fiction that explores UK city Brighton from the perspective of a neuroqueer person suffering with PTSD, who experiences people and spaces as associative colours. The narrative is accompanied with a background soundscape recorded on a walk around Brighton and Hove.

For anyone with sensory sensitivity/overload, an accessible recording of the narrative is available above without soundscape.

Best listened with headphones.

Reading with Soundscape

CC-BY-NC: Hanna Randall

Reading Only

CC-BY-NC: Hanna Randall

Soundscape Only

CC-BY-NC: Hanna Randall


Hosted by: Walking as a Question

APA style reference

Randall, H. (2021). Linaceae. walk · listen · create.

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From translations of the Greek playwright Aristophanes: It literally means to walk on the air, but actually means to walk as if on air. What a perfect word for buoyant sauntering, after, say, receiving good news. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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