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SWS21 2021

Listening to Bees

Sound walk

This track is a BInaural recording, so please listen with headphones if you can.

Listening to Bees is one of a set of tracks recorded on location in May 2021 at Fairlight Country Park in Sussex.
I recorded the sound with binaural ear mics on loan from Falmouth University as part of a training course with Abigail Wincott.

The geocache was made with volunteers Kelly, Cath and Sally who researched the history of the site and made artworks with me to put inside the cache.

APA style reference

Hooper, M. (2021). Listening to Bees. walk · listen · create.

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A slow, leisurely walk that encourages musing or a sense of wonder (see attested Middle English etymology).

Added by Sonia Overall

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