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Lockdown Sound Walk

Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
35 minutes


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Sound walk

The Lockdown Sound Walk is a 30-40 minute guided sound walk around Aberdeen, using some of the sounds submitted to the COVID-19 Sound Map ( Using the SonicMaps site on any browser on a mobile device, you will be guided along the route and on reaching various zones around the city, you can follow text on the screen and listen to sounds recorded during lockdown, which are triggered via GPS.
The route takes you from the start outside the Art Gallery to The Globe, The Music Hall, Bridge Street/Union Street/Union Terrace junction, Primark, St Nicholas Centre, Marischal College, Schoolhill Rainbow Steps, Belmont Street, finishing again at the Art Gallery.
As you enter a zone, you will hear the lockdown recording on your headphones and explanatory text will appear on the screen. Remove your headphones briefly to compare the sound as it is now and how it was during lockdown before moving off to the next location.
The walk is around 1.82km in length and can be undertaken in one go or in parts – and at any speed. Please do use this opportunity to listen carefully to how the soundscape of Aberdeen has changed and reflect on what you hear.
Safety guidance
Please remove headphones before crossing a road with traffic.
Please follow all Scottish Government recommendations relating to physical distancing and meeting in groups.
Please check the weather before setting out.
Please contact [email protected] if you are having trouble accessing the sound walk.


additional sound recordings by Bea Dawkins, Pauline Black, Andrew Davidson

Commissioned by sound festival (

APA style reference

Stollery, P. (2021). Lockdown Sound Walk. walk · listen · create.

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od thi dog back

Yorkshire saying: ‘wait or slow down’.

Added by Karen Smith

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