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Obervational Walking and the Five Senses

Observational Walking and the Five Senses
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Collection · 227 items


Collection · 452 items
Walking piece

This zine cites a sensory walking exercise from Walking as Artistic Practice and provides ten illustrated walking examples related to five senses.

This is a color laser-printed zine (maroon on cream colored paper) – 8.5″x11″ folded in half and stapled. It is hand-assembled. Shipping included.

This zine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means people can reuse my materials if it is attributed to me, is used non-commercially, and shared with the same creative commons license to help propagate the public domain and promote sharing.

APA style reference

Mueller, E. (2023). Obervational Walking and the Five Senses. walk · listen · create.

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Crossing a street or highway not at an official cross walk or signalled controlled junction; in North America it is an offence for which you can be fined.

Added by Andrew Stuck

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