Walking Piece Marŝarto23
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Standing on a spot of a limitless landscape - out of homes, away from workspaces - the bodies become vehicles. The senses become compasses to navigate in this natural world made of concrete and soil. The trees are close enough to reach.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
26351/27252 09.00-17.00

This video is one of a series of five. It is made in Paris during a three months residency at the Cite Internationale des Arts. At the time Paris was my working place and the series is to be continued in each new city that I reside for a period of time.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
One Hundred Days of Walking

“One Hundred Days of Walking” is a visualization of walking as listening, with 100 accordion books filled with watercolor landscapes, strung on 100 feet of braided cotton, hanging in space above the river that often guided my walking.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
Poor Old Horse

Poor Old Horse is a short walking film responding creatively to the site-specific custom of Hoodening in East Kent, UK.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
Walking times between Sao Paulo metro stations

The metro map of São Paulo, but with walking times between adjacent stations.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
From the center to independence, and back

From the center of São Paulo, I walk a circular route to the place in which independence was proclaimed. Like the royal rulers who set foot on Brazilian soil, I return to where I started, traveling through today's Brazil to reflect on its past.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
Dérive app X Little Free Library

Nine physical decks, 56 cards, 42 Little Free Libraries. Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
Taking it easy

A physical deck of 52 task cards, walking prompts, integrated with Dérive app, developed together with students at MIT and inmates at a juvenile correctional facility.

Walking Piece Marŝarto23
Walking the Manhattan Eruv

I walked the nearly 50 kilometres in Manhattan, trying to follow the route of the wire that is the Manhattan Eruv, circling the island.