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SWS23 2023

Peel Park Shimmering

Peel Park Shimmering Image
Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford, UK
75 minutes


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Sound walk

‘Landscapes shimmer when they gather rhythms shared across varied forms of life’ (Tsing et al. 2017)

This sound walk guides you through Peel Park, in Salford, UK, opening up its past ecologies and present growth through sound and song to bring you into a closer relationship with the trees, plants and wild, weedy beings that live here, and the shimmering rhythms happening between them.

Flood Obelisk

CC-BY-NC: Jo Scott


Walk concept, text, vocals and digital sounds: Jo Scott.
Guitar: Scott Millar.
Hosted by: Echoes

APA style reference

Scott, J. (2023). Peel Park Shimmering. walk · listen · create.

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As far as the day goes.

Added by Alec Finlay

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