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Play Cambridge Now or Never

Multiple locations
Walking piece

Following weeks of walking the streets and plotting Play Cambridge Now or Never! the app was launched as part of Cambridge Junction’s Watch Out Festival on 27th May- catch some of the 50 (! ) prompts dotted around the city to experience it as a playground – we promise you’ll see things you’ve never noticed before (if you’re a local) and get a different tour of Cambridge (if you’re a visitor).

Find the app download links on our website

Play Anywhere Now or Never are Idit Nathan and Helen Stratford.

Photo credit: Julian Hughes


Hosted by: Play Anywhere Now or Never

APA style reference

IditNathan (2017). Play Cambridge Now or Never. walk · listen · create.

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If you sleepwalk, or just like to stroll about after dark, you have a tendency to noctambulate, or walk around at night. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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