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Play Peterborough Now or Never

Multiple locations
Walking piece

Play Peterborough Now or Never! is a collaborative project by artists Helen Stratford and Idit Nathan.

Working with METAL Peterborough to develop a playful App for the city. For countless days we have walked through Peterborough’s streets with many of its residents past and present, recalling and imagining opportunities to play the city – now or never!

Now you can play too- just download the link to the app and start playing- find link on our website

Photo credit: Julian Hughes


Hosted by: Play Anywhere Now or Never

APA style reference

IditNathan (2015). Play Peterborough Now or Never. walk · listen · create.

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In the 1600s, anteambulate referred to walking in front of someone to show them the way, like an usher. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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