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Shared Walks

Multiple locations
English, German
Walking piece

Shared Walks is an initiative that creates encounters by walking in public space. It connects people to walk together, initiates social interactions, and creates possibilities for the appropriation of space and participation in segregated societies. The Card Set is a toolkit prepared by Shared Walks to open this method for use of different organizations and individuals around the world.

Civil society organizations, state institutions and private companies working on local issues can use the card set to host a Shared Walks activity for non-profit purposes. It is suitable for use in community building, neighbourhood mapping, local participation, awareness raising, social inclusion, non-formal learning, knowledge sharing, team building, networking, socio-spatial research etc.

APA style reference

Ertürk, E., & Rohrauer, B. (2018). Shared Walks. walk · listen · create.

Eylem Ertürk

Bernd Rohrauer

Bernd Rohrauer


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Loiter in a bored or listless manner.

Added by hilwalk

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