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SWS19 2019

Sometimes We Wake

Belfast, UK
20 minutes
Sound walk

Sometimes We Wake is a self-guided sound walk set in The Palm House, Botanic Gardens in Belfast. It reflects on a music performance that took place there in 2009 which Richard Davis was involved in. The walk will guide you around the Palm House, remembering the experiences of what it was like to perform in the conservatory, about the songs Richard was writing at the time with their queer expression and parallels to another gay voice, a local writer named Forrest Reid, whose text from the early 1920’s hangs in the Palm House.

The launch of the sound walk at The Palm House on September 1st will also include a special live performance of those songs.


CC-BY-NC: Babak Fakhamzadeh

APA style reference

Davis, R. (2019). Sometimes We Wake. walk · listen · create.

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Walk: He’s traivelled mony a lang gaet.

Added by Janette Kerr

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